第二季之后看淡了反倒能坦然处之愉快欣赏马脸星人的美貌就好 / 呵呵我至高无上的人生导师终于彻底堕落为了奇幻言情剧男主角对亚洲妇女哺乳动物bbw还是暮光之城挂的但还是不能彻底放弃马连星人的美貌so sad… #给我自己点个蜡再给我的灯塔歇洛克.福尔摩斯先生点个蜡#
誓不为国产傻逼电影贡献一分钱票房于是只能看看这种并不新鲜的片了虽然媚俗的桥段很多亚洲妇女哺乳动物bbw还是看得下去的符合我对数理大牛们无原则的崇拜就像亦舒说过找一个原子物理学家就不会遇见那些烂事是呀某就是个不爱提但确凿是的数理大牛呀~ :)
第三季是换编剧了吗......闷到爆卖腐没问题关键是不要拍成奇情片啊 我是来求虐智商的亚洲妇女哺乳动物bbw不是来找感官刺激的PS:片尾莫娘居然复活了真是本季最大惊喜啊魂淡...........of cause we miss you bastard !
JK Simmons's great performance speaks for itself and it seems to me that most actors who have theater backgrounds usually manage to pull off some serious acting in tv shows. I like how the first three episodes where the suspenses are well crafted but then in the latter episodes the plot development is a bit disappointing. I know the writers are purposely making Quayle the dumbest person in the show to support the irony that he ends up getting promoted somehow, but his utter stupidity and cockiness still piss me off. I look forward to the next season and hopefully they'd explain what the mysterious management department is.